Spring arrives, not with a whisper, but with a shout. The Bay Area swung sharply from thunderstorms and heavy winds to California’s characteristic warm weather. Flowers flung their delicate petals wide open, spreading pollen with reckless abandon. After weeks of the cold and rain, the world felt washed clean, a blank slate upon which anything could happen. 

Everywhere we look, the world is full of life. We watch with bright eyes as tightly-furled green buds appear on branches and herald the return of spring. Slowly, slowly, then all at once, they burst into being. And as temperatures rise, so do our spirits. With spring comes hope, life, and growth. The world seems brighter, lighter, younger. Full of hope blossoming in front of us.

We, too, bloom in the spring. We leave our blanket cocoons to watch the world awaken, wandering newly green parks and breathing in the fresh air. In Volume 04: Efflorescence, we explore all the stages of a flower’s lifetime. We begin with Budding, where we hold our breaths in anticipation as the first tiny green sprout emerges on a branch. As we move into Blooming, we admire the vibrant colors and sweet scents of flowers. But all good things must come to an end. In Decaying we explore the slow loss of what was once beautiful and make way for new beginnings. Regardless of where we are in our journeys, Volume 04: Efflorescence gives us the opportunity to feel full of life and hope again, like the world itself is blooming before us.





